Matt McCon on SNL!

Weekend Update this week was really good. The (fake) interview with Matt McConaughey’s after his Oscar speech. Really looking forward to these next couple of years of SNL’s new cast.

Oscars are over, Let the debate continue!

Oscars are over, Let the debate continue!

Gravity was my favorite film this year, but I still haven’t seen 12 Years a Slave. Glad those 2 movies got so many awards.
I’m glad to see Matthew McConaughey get his much deserved credit.
I feel for Leo, because he is one of the best actors of his generation and has NO OSCAR to his name.
Ellen was good (actor selfie) but also really dull at times (the never ending pizza bit).


The theme of the 2014 Oscars is “Heros in Film”.

Here is my list of the Top Heros in Movie history.

Hero Equation= Puts life on the line + Displays Courage in the Face of danger + Self Sacrifice + For the Greater good of humanity

Ellen Ripley (Alien)
William Wallace (BraveHeart)
Jack Ryan (Clear and Present Danger)
Oskar Schindler (Schindler’s List)
Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
John McClane (Die Hard)
Neo (The Matrix)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Aragon (Lord of the Rings)
George Bailey (Its a Wonderful Life)
Maximus (Gladiator)