Ace Ventura II: When Nature Calls

All movie blogs have to start somewhere.

I’m going to start with one of my favorite comedies ever.

Ace Ventura (II): When Nature Calls.

This is a movie that I used to watch on my parents couch with my brother.  We had it on VHS.  My parents bought my brother Ace Ventura II when all of the other kids were watching Ace Ventura I.  My parents bought us Black Sheep, when all of the other kids were watching Tommy Boy.  In hind sight, my parents had embarked my brother and I in a social experiment.

You see NO ONE in 1995 was talking about AVII or Black Sheep, they were all talking about their predecessors in AVI and Tommy Boy.

(I understand that Ace Ventura II: When Nature Calls is not actually titled with a “II” but the entire movie watching world calls it that and so will I).

The only people we had to talk to about these two movies were each other.

We watched both of these movies over and over and over again (same with Die Hard, but that’s a different post).

My brother memorized the first 8 people in the title sequence of AVII!  Sophie Okonedo anyone!!!

This movie still cracks me up.  Jim Carrey in his post ‘In Living Color’ but pre ‘I’m a serious actor’ stages is a force of nature.  He does so many little things, jokes on top of jokes on top of jokes.   The scene where he is hiding in the fake rhino (to do surveillance) and get stuck inside forcing himself to crawl out sweaty and naked kills me every time.  The slinky scene.  The projector scene. Its all comedy.

And so many quotable scenes. “Bumble bee tuna”

I love it and watch it every time I need a guaranteed laugh.

Too bad my brother is the only one who will agree with this post.

HOW WOULD I VIEW THIS MOVIE:  Buy the DVD, Own it, Watch it frequently.