Dej Loaf
Songs I listened to the most this year:
“Try Me” by Dej Loaf
“Two Weeks” by FKA Twigs
“Hot Boy” Bobby Schmurda
“Blank Spaces” by Taylor Swift
“Close your Eyes” by Run The Jewels 2
“Turtles all the Way Down” by Sturgill Simpson
“Open my Eyes” by Rival Sons
“Give Me Back My Hometown” by Eric Church
“No Culture Icons” by The Thermals

broad city
Most Memorable TV Moments:
The Duel in ‘Game of Thrones’
Rust Cohle waxing poetic in the car in ‘True Detective’
John Oliver dropping truth bombs regarding …
The Entire season of ‘Broad City’
The Rain soaked Dye packet skirt on ‘Project Runway’
Any time Mark Cuban says “I’m going to make you an offer” on Shark Tank
Stay killing them zombies on “The Walking Dead”
The deep, dark, dead eyes of Billy Bob in ‘Fargo’
The blood, grimy, disturbing places ‘Hannibal’ is going
Twisty the clown haunting my dreams from ‘American Horror Story’

Whiplash JK
Movies of the year:
Lone Survivor (2013)
Lego Movie
The Bling Ring (2013)
Guardians of the galaxy
Planes: Fire & Rescue (PIXAR)
Beware of Mr Baker (doc)
Alive Inside (doc)

My Favorite Vocabulary words I’m trying to use more this year:
Ascerbic, Quibble, Ubiquitous, Avuncular, Aplomb, Acrimony, Idiosyncratic, Ennui, Truculent, Austere

Favorite Podcasts:
Get Up On This! (keeps me hip)
Around the NFL (feeds my NFL fan needs 3x a week)
Everything Grantland (Pop Culture and Sports pods)
The Film Vault (the best movie podcast)
Tall Tales (DJ/chiller podcast fun)
Pitch/Song Exploder (Two musical podcasts)
NPR: All Songs Considered (The best alt music podcast)

Favorite YouTube Channels:
My Drunk Kitchen, Good Mythical Morning, Dude Perfect, ForkNPlate

Favorite Book of the Year:
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

Over Winner of the Year: DRAKE


Matt McCon on SNL!

Weekend Update this week was really good. The (fake) interview with Matt McConaughey’s after his Oscar speech. Really looking forward to these next couple of years of SNL’s new cast.

Oscars are over, Let the debate continue!

Oscars are over, Let the debate continue!

Gravity was my favorite film this year, but I still haven’t seen 12 Years a Slave. Glad those 2 movies got so many awards.
I’m glad to see Matthew McConaughey get his much deserved credit.
I feel for Leo, because he is one of the best actors of his generation and has NO OSCAR to his name.
Ellen was good (actor selfie) but also really dull at times (the never ending pizza bit).


The theme of the 2014 Oscars is “Heros in Film”.

Here is my list of the Top Heros in Movie history.

Hero Equation= Puts life on the line + Displays Courage in the Face of danger + Self Sacrifice + For the Greater good of humanity

Ellen Ripley (Alien)
William Wallace (BraveHeart)
Jack Ryan (Clear and Present Danger)
Oskar Schindler (Schindler’s List)
Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)
Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark)
John McClane (Die Hard)
Neo (The Matrix)
Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Aragon (Lord of the Rings)
George Bailey (Its a Wonderful Life)
Maximus (Gladiator)

Jamie’s Top 12 Movies from 2013


#1  Gravity

The reason why we watch movies is for that rush that you get in the theater when you see something you’ve never even imagined before.  I saw this movie in the theater, and after the first 10 minutes I was gripping my seat.  Awe inspiring, and breath taking. And I have no earthly idea how they filmed it.  Yes, some of the dialogue was silly and clunky, but this movie is why we spend money to go to the theater. 

#2 Frances Ha

This little black-and-white movie is the EXACT opposite as Gravity.  No other movie spoke directly to me in that late 20s-early 30s, not –a-kid but not-an-adult-yet  kind of way more than this.  I have told everyone who is younger than me that they must watch this film.  It really speaks to how as we get older we may not see our friends as much, but that doesn’t change how much you care about them.


This movie was like a spike of adrenaline right into your artery.  Scorsese and Leo (with a healthy dose of Jonah and a scoop of Matt McCon) are back and pushing the idea of a character study right to the edge.  The opulence, the excess, the late 90s ness.  Perfect tone, and right time for this type of flick.

#4 The Spectacular Now

My high school movie of the year.  The awkwardness of dating, drinking and caring about what other people think. A sweet movie that brought me back to what it felt to be in high school all over again.  A little melodramatic at times with the parent stuff (why do movies so rarely capture high school parents?), but I really enjoyed it.

#5 All is Lost

An unblinking, and captivating portrayl of a man lost at sea.  Redford is the only actor who could have pulled this off (maybe Paul Newman, but he’s dead).  He says about 4 word throughout the movie, but only an actor of his caliber and age could pull off a movie like this.  Think ‘Cast Away’ without the cheery ending.

#6 Place Beyond the Pines

Some movies go under noticed and under appreciated because they are released at the wrong time of year.  This movie was buried in the late spring, early summer time of Super Hero/Comic Book movies and got swallowed up.  It is a little long, but Ryan Gosling is really amazing and the way they wrap it up in the final half hour is really interesting. 

#7 Drinking Buddies

Can guys and girls just be friends? Olivia Wild and Jake Johnson (that guy from New Girl) work in a brewery, and drink.  The movie is just a little slice of life in their friendship, and how unsaid things can become glaringly obvious when just ignored. I feel these two are going to be around for a while.

#8 American Hustle

What can I say that hasn’t been said before?  The acting performances were amazing.  I liked how Amy Adams starts off the movie so strong, and then passes the actress baton to Jennifer Lawrence for her to finish down the final stretch.  J-Law is like an atom bomb in this movie. She steals every scene she is in, and you can’t take your eyes off her.  Too many people are down on this movie.  It’s a fun watch, and the hate has gone too far on this one.

#9 Fruitvale Station

Totally snubbed indie movie about the last day of Oscar Grant’s life.  Being from Oakland and having this case surround my life for so long gave me trepidations about seeing this movie, but after watching what Michael B Jordan did to make himself

#10 Prisoners

Another movie that got buried in the early spring, and snuck up on me.  Playing the father of an abducted girl, Hugh Jackman delivers the best performance of his career.  That and Jake Gylenhall is slowly becoming one of the best actors of the last 5 years.  And, I am prepared to argue this with anyone.

#11 Short Term 12

I love these slice-of-life type movies, especially the ones that are about growing up and becoming an adult.   This movie take place at a halfway house, and the lives of the workers and kids who live there.

#12 Blackfish

This doc makes you think about those animals kept in captivity soley for our enjoyment. 



# Act of Killing (documentary)

This doc has staying power, it is the true story of the mass murder of communist citizens by Indonesian paramilitary troops.  The twist is that the director has the exact killers who committed the killings reenact them for a “movie” he is making.  These ex-murderers swell with pride as they recount their tales of horror, grinning to the cameras.  This is not an easy watch or a light movie, makes your stomach have that hollow empty feeling inside.

# Somm (documentary 2012)

An interesting doc about a group of four students studying for the Master Sommeliers certification that is pretty much the hardest test in the world.  The test includes a blind taste test (3 white, 3 red) where they have to explain what they taste and where exactly in the world the wine is from.  Really intriguing look behind the curtain on expensive wine tasting.

# Mud

Everyone revel in the year Matt McConnehey is having. Trust me. Its happening. Just breathe it in.


Haven’t seen yet: 

12 Years a Slave, Blue Jasmine, Inside Llewyn Davis, Captain Phillips, Dallas Buyers club, Catching Fire, Nebraska, Blue is the Warmest Color, August:Osage County, Her.


I have some work to do, gotta get back to my movies! 


Top movie of 2014: LEGO MOVIE! Everything is awesome!

The Spectacular Now (2013)

There have been many movies about senior year of high school and the transition to adulthood, but not many of them ever achieve a look and feel of earnestness and realism that ‘The Spectacular Now’ has accomplished.  This is a great little movie that didn’t get nearly enough praise.  I really enjoyed it and its available on NetFlix (DVD). 

I’m baaaack

Its time to start back up on the ol blog. 

Going to be posting more often. 

Thoughts on life, football, and movies of course. 

What I’ve been watching the last 2 weeks (8/2011)

I just went back to school, and I’ve been super busy, but here are some of the movies that I’ve squeezed in the last 2 weeks.



This is one of the best documentaries I’ve ever scene.  It follows Jerry Seinfeld as he starts to write new material for his stand-up special.  You’d think that Seinfeld would have no problem doing stand-up, but the process is draining and stressful even for one of the biggest names in the game.  The journey is captivating and I’m really interested in stand-up comedy, so this movie was really insightful. My recommendation: NETFLIX IT (Mail)


Every wonder what it would be like to live in space all alone?  This movie follows a man who works on a mine on the moon, all alone for three years.  Sam Rockwell dose an amazing job of playing multiple parts of the man’s psyche as he slowly deteriorates.  Good film.  My recommendation: NETFLIX IT (Instant Queue)

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

I watched this movie on the IFC channel which has been running some awesome movies lately.  They don’t edit and show limited commercials, and its perfect for the DVR.  This movie is based on a true story of a man who has a stroke and can only move (and see) with one eye.  His therapist (OT?) comes up with a system of communication using blinking, and the idea that someone would take that amount of time to help out another is really refreshing.  The film is heart warming and heart breaking at times, and it is thoroughly engrossing.  Its in French, and the subtitles are a bit annoying and hard to keep up with when multiple people are talking, but I really enjoyed this film. My recommendation: NETFLIX IT (Mail) or catch it on IFC

Reservoir Dogs

An oldie but a goodie.  I’ve seen this one before but many years ago, and I felt like I needed to rewatch it.  The ‘limited story telling’ (a Film Vault term) is impressive, and the way Tarantino edits his films really builds suspense.  One thought that may make it rather dated: if this film took place in 2011, then every person would have a cell phone (or at least a burner), and most of the suspense in the film would be over in 15 min.  I like the independent/gritty fell of the film, and the story is great.  I wish Quentin would get back to limited budget/gritty film making not fake gritty feeling films. My recommendation: EVERY ONE (MALE) SHOULD OWN THIS MOVIE

Ace Ventura II: When Nature Calls

All movie blogs have to start somewhere.

I’m going to start with one of my favorite comedies ever.

Ace Ventura (II): When Nature Calls.

This is a movie that I used to watch on my parents couch with my brother.  We had it on VHS.  My parents bought my brother Ace Ventura II when all of the other kids were watching Ace Ventura I.  My parents bought us Black Sheep, when all of the other kids were watching Tommy Boy.  In hind sight, my parents had embarked my brother and I in a social experiment.

You see NO ONE in 1995 was talking about AVII or Black Sheep, they were all talking about their predecessors in AVI and Tommy Boy.

(I understand that Ace Ventura II: When Nature Calls is not actually titled with a “II” but the entire movie watching world calls it that and so will I).

The only people we had to talk to about these two movies were each other.

We watched both of these movies over and over and over again (same with Die Hard, but that’s a different post).

My brother memorized the first 8 people in the title sequence of AVII!  Sophie Okonedo anyone!!!

This movie still cracks me up.  Jim Carrey in his post ‘In Living Color’ but pre ‘I’m a serious actor’ stages is a force of nature.  He does so many little things, jokes on top of jokes on top of jokes.   The scene where he is hiding in the fake rhino (to do surveillance) and get stuck inside forcing himself to crawl out sweaty and naked kills me every time.  The slinky scene.  The projector scene. Its all comedy.

And so many quotable scenes. “Bumble bee tuna”

I love it and watch it every time I need a guaranteed laugh.

Too bad my brother is the only one who will agree with this post.

HOW WOULD I VIEW THIS MOVIE:  Buy the DVD, Own it, Watch it frequently.

Still sitting on my couch

Everyone has their favorite seat on the couch. Mine is all the way on the side next to the arm rest with my computer propped up and the TV remote securely in my right hand. This is my home. I can see clearly. My big brown couch has a perma-dent here.

My viewing preference (in order) Movies, NFL Football, Reality TV, Non-Reality TV [Breaking Bad, Always Sunny, Tosh.0].

This blog will focus on different types of movies and some thoughts about the world in which they imitate.

Enjoy and keep watching.

Sources: Doug Benson, Alan Sepinwall, Roger Ebert, IMDB, Bill Simmons, Bald Bryan